Business strategy: Must know about change management and types

Business strategy: Must know about change management and types

Change management is considered to be as a systematic approach that helps to deal with transition or with the transformation associated with industry goal, technologies and processes that are included in the system. The main purpose that lies behind change management is implementing the strategies that enhances changes, helps to control change as well as helps other to adapt all the changes in the environment. All the strategies included in change management includes having structured procedure that helps to request change and includes mechanism that responds to the request as well as helps to follow them up.

Change is the universal condition and there are different types of change management. There are three types change management; Individual change management, organization change management, and directed change management.

The industrial model doesn’t work any more, yet many businesses still behave as if it does. They will have to wise up quick.”- Ricky, Myassignmenthelp

For individual changes, there are different change management. Those are:

Exceptional Change:

Exceptional change includes individual experiences that includes isolated events in the life of individuals. Exceptional changes does not impacts the life of other people and the impact is limited.

Incremental change:

Incremental changes are common changes that are faced by people and this change is persistent. Incremental changes includes introduction factors as well as include newness to the change. This results in complete replacement from the previous state to the new one.

Pendulum change:

Pendulum change includes swing change in the working environment. This change occurs suddenly and it is done form one state to another. The pendulum change actually results to an individual change adopting extreme point of view that are opposite to the thing that is held before.

Paradigm change:

Paradigm change include proper changes that are being made in the organization. Proper change helps in paradigm change in the organization. This change might occur when tasks and behavior are re-integrated as well as lead to emergence in the new system. This is the gold standard change I the individual change and the value systems gets modified in the system. 

For organization changes, there are different change management. Those are:

Evolutionary change:

Evolutionary changes included in the organization arises because of the processes that comes from natural selection. Evolutionary change comes from small variations that are in performance. This includes changes that are random and are insignificant. This changes includes what people do and how organization responds to the changes. According to Keira an expert consultant at Essaycritics, “You must be going very fast to catch up, much less pass someone.  The need for Evolutionary change never goes away.”

Revolutionary change:

Second organizational change is revolutionary change. This change mainly happens when the organization forces the changes by external forces. This type of change is accompanied by power shifts and impacts the cataclysmic.

For directed change management the changes are:

Development change:

This is the simplest directed change management. With this change management, the working process of business improves and also improves the existing skills, methods, processes as well as performance standards. Examples of development change management includes increasing the sales, increase interpersonal communication as well as improves the working process of the business.

Transformational change:

This change is more predictable as well as scary compared to traditional projects. Change planning is accustomed in this project. Emotions along with intellect will help to determine the success that are in transformational change. This helps to map between current states with the future states. Transformational change also includes step change that are involved in mindsets as well as in behaviors and also helps to enhance relationships.

Transitional change:

This change management leads to replacement of the changes already exists in different way which is new to the people. For the changes to be implemented, it is needed to come out from the old way of working and have to change the old working style. Transitional change includes final destination to be completed and have to be visualized with before the transition being occurred.


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