Meaningful gift items for this new year

Meaningful gift items for this new year

The year 2020 took unexpected turns right in the beginning. Sooner rather than later after we celebrated the very joyous and awaited happy new year we came to the realisation it wasn’t a, yet another conventional year planned by God. Time was tough, but we made it through. To all the brave souls who braced themselves from the forfeit and fought back harder and stronger, it’s time to be proud and celebratory about it. The new year is approaching once again, and it’s time to let our guard down. At the same, it is our moral obligation to help our loved ones back on their feet with happy New Year gifts that speak volumes, that are symbolic of motivation and hustle to the next level. Here are a few ideas.

  • Reason to live

Many have lost their jobs, families and the reason to wake up every day and go on. Give them back their sole purposes of fighting till they make it. Gift them a cake to initiate a new beginning, give them a flower bouquet to recover from everything they have faced. Bless them with moments of happiness just like old times, so they know, in their hearts it’s all about to get better and thriving.

  • Motivation to excel

The year didn’t let many plans go as expected, which is why it’s time to tell all your loved ones they are not lagging in this relentless race but making it through day by day. And on that note, why don’t you surprise them with a gifting spree starting a week before the big day. With happiness knocking their doors every day, they will be back in no time. Keep it small, simple, yet meaningful. Confidence is all they lack to be their old self yet again.

  • Strength to live through

Many have lost their vision of the future with such uncertain times coming up to them every day. Be their soul mate and cherish moments of happiness by gifting them something customised like a mug, a frame, a keychain, a glass, a bracelet, a pillow, a shirt. Something that says you are not in this alone, you are gonna get through it, and it’s only a matter of time before you get back on tracks.

  • Resolution to stand by

A new year means resolution. Every year in the same old conventional method, we take vows with ourselves promising to be better selves. Be selfless and generous this year stand for your loved ones who need you to hold their hands. Write them a greeting card assuring them of your constant support and back. Send along a token of this love with a beautiful gift like a parcel of chocolates or go extra with a pair of shoes, a wristwatch and you will be good.

  • A ladder to step up

It’s the first step that counts. But no hard and fast rule claims to lose strength and hope; the want to have more, once you are past that phase. This incessant need to keep growing is the key to success but is lost by many souls. Be their angel in daylight and help them take their first step in a long time again. Send to them best wishes with a rose and a present that they will connect to. Be their shoulder in tough times, and there shall be light in the kingdom of growth one again.

The new year is coming faster, with each day crossing we are preparing ourselves to get ready for a stronger fight. The want to win is more significant than ever!! Let’s pledge not to back down till we pave our ways to this new year. Be warriors, be fighters. Our time has come.


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