Factors That Impact the Average Facelift Cost

Factors That Impact the Average Facelift Cost

A facelift is an invasive surgical procedure that cosmetic surgeons perform to make you appear younger than your actual biological age. The operation involves re-shaping the lower portion of your face and jawline by eradicating the excess facial skin covering the region.  The procedure addresses age-related changes in your face like jowls, nasolabial folds, mid-face drooping, and double chin.

What do you pay for in an average facelift cost?

You might want to undergo facelift surgery to get back your natural youthful appearance. To do so, you need to search online for reliable cosmetic clinics performing the procedure in your locality. You will come to know the prices these clinics charge by browsing through their official websites. Accordingly, you have to shortlist the one which suits your specific needs and budget.

However, the average facelift cost you are going to incur for undergoing the procedure will include: 

  • The cosmetic surgeon’s fee,
  • The cosmetic clinic’s facility charges,
  • The price of the anesthesia,
  • The prices of the various medications, and
  • The charges for performing the medical tests.

Request for price quotes from different clinics and compare them.

Preparing a facelift surgery

During the consultation session, the medical specialist will give you an estimate of the costs you have to incur after a preliminary check-up. He/she also enquires about your general health and current medications. He/she will then explain the procedure, clear your apprehension, ask about your expectations and instruct you to:

  • Stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating junk food items,
  • Avoid all kinds of anti-inflammatory drugs, and 
  • Apply certain cosmetic products which he/she prescribes before the surgery.

On the day of the surgery, a nurse will take you to the operating theater and ask you to lie on the table. A medical technician will then inject local anesthesia so that you do not feel any discomfort during the procedure. The surgeon will proceed to make

  • Small incisions on the specific places on your temples, around the ears and lower scalp,
  • In certain cases, he/she will make similar cuts under the chin,
  • Elevate the skin, tighten the tissues and underlying muscles, and 
  • Sculpt and re-distribute the fat surrounding your face and neck.

Finally, the cosmetic surgeon will re-drape the facial skin over the new contours of your face and cut off the excess portion. The entire surgery takes not more than four hours for the surgeon to perform.

After the procedure is over, the surgeon will discharge you after a few hours. During this phase, you notice your face swells, shows signs of bruising, and feels numb. You even experience moderate pain. However, these minor side-effects will disappear within five days. Then, you can return to your normal activities. Serious complications in patients like hematoma, scarring, skin loss, and nerve injury occur only in rare cases.

Paying for an average facelift cost can enable you to make you look younger than your actual age. This can help to boost your confidence in the long run as people start to compliment you on your new looks. It might even get you to new opportunities for you to improve your relationships and advance your career prospects.  The procedure can be a catalyst for revamping your life as well!


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